The St. Paul Vocation Club

Monthly virtual meetings for high school women to learn about vocations, discernment, and religious life

Offered by the Daughters of St. Paul


What Is the St. Paul Vocation Club?

The St. Paul Vocation Club is an online group dedicated to learning more about vocations, discernment, prayer, and the daily life of Sisters.

It is open to Catholic young women currently in high school who desire to learn more about their own vocation and the vocation to religious life.

The St. Paul Vocation Club meets once a month for an hour via Zoom for a talk by a Sister; discussion and activities; prayer experiences; media workshops; games; and more.

Meetings take place on Sundays from 4:00-5:00pm Eastern Time.

Parental permission is required.

2023-2024 Dates and Topics

(Stay tuned for Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Dates and Topics!)

October 22 — A Day in the Life

November 19 — How Do I Hear God's Call?

December 17 — The Media Mission

January 21 — St. Paul, Model of Discernment

February 18 — The Missionary Life

March 17 — Writing Workshop

April 21 — Art Workshop

May 19 — Podcast Workshop


To register for the St. Paul Vocation Club, please download and complete the Registration Form and the Parental Permission Form (below). Please email them to

You are welcome to register at any time during the year, and you do not have to be able to attend all of the meetings in order to register.

Questions? Email Sr. Emily Beata at

See you there!

Registration Form

"Life is a gift of God.

How are you going to use it?"

Bl. James Alberione

Founder of the Daughters of St. Paul

Prayer for My Vocation

Your dream, O Jesus my Master, is to lay hold of me, to change me with your divine life. Your dream is to fill me with your charity, to make me love the Father and all my brothers and sisters just as you do. Your dream is to bind me to you with the closest bonds, to bind our hearts together as one. Your dream is to make me strong, to impart to me your divine power so that I can overcome evil and be constant in doing good. Your dream is to enflame me with an untiring zeal to spread your kingdom in the world. Your dream is to possess me in this life and in the life to come. O Master, may your dream come true. May I be able to give all you ask of me.

From the writings of Blessed James Alberione