The Daughters of St. Paul invite you to...

The St. Paul Summer Program

A week of faith and fun for high school women interested in learning about religious life

2025 Program Dates Coming Soon!

Daughters of St. Paul Provincial House

Boston, MA

"Life is a gift of God.

How are you going to use it?"

—Bl. James Alberione,
Founder of the Daughters of St. Paul


If you are interested in learning about the life of a religious Sister, growing in your relationship with Jesus, and using your gifts to serve others...then the St. Paul Summer Program is for you! Our annual summer program provides an inside look at the life of a Daughter of St. Paul, missionary Sisters who share Jesus with the world through all forms of media. Spend a week working, praying, and living alongside the Sisters; meet other young women who are seeking God's will for their life; and grow in your friendship with Jesus.


The St. Paul Summer Program is open to young women ages 14-18 (those entering 9th grade through those just finishing 12th grade). Participants must have parental consent, be open to the idea of religious life as a vocational choice for themselves, and possess good physical and mental health.


The summer program is held at the Daughters of St. Paul Provincial House in Boston. The Sisters will be able to pick up any participants who are traveling by plane, train, or bus.

What to Expect

Daily Prayer

Daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Morning and Evening Prayer, Lectio Divina (prayer with the Word of God)


Who Are the Daughters of St. Paul • Discerning God's Call in Your Life • Scripture, God's Letter to the World • St. Paul the Apostle • How to Pray, Why to Pray, Ways to Pray • Media Mindfulness • ... and more!


Writing, Art, and other Media Tracks (hands-on experiences of using media to proclaim the Gospel while learning from the Sisters who are writers, editors, artists, and designers), plus an experience of helping in the Daughters of St. Paul publishing house


Community recreation, games, movie night, sight-seeing, and more!

What to Expect

Daily Prayer

Daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Morning and Evening Prayer, Lectio Divina (prayer with the Word of God)


Who Are the Daughters of St. Paul • Discerning God's Call in Your Life • Scripture, God's Letter to the World • St. Paul the Apostle • How to Pray, Why to Pray, Ways to Pray • Media Mindfulness • ... and more!


Writing, Art, and other Media Tracks (hands-on experiences of using media to proclaim the Gospel while learning from the Sisters who are writers, editors, artists, and designers), plus an experience of helping in the Daughters of St. Paul publishing house


Community recreation, games, movie night, sight-seeing, and more!


"The summer program is deep, rich in love, and centered around Jesus. You cannot walk away the same person who walked in at the beginning of the week."

— Sarah

"It is an amazing and rewarding experience. I would encourage everyone to come!"

— Catherine

"The summer program is filled with tons of fun and spiritual growth all together with the Sisters and other participants."

— Katie



Request a summer program application below


  • Arrivals between 12:00 and 4:00 pm
  • Departures between 12:00 and 4:00pm
  • The Sisters will pick up and drop off any participants traveling by plane, train, or bus.

Please wait until we have received your application and contacted you before making travel arrangements. Thank you!


Suggested donation of $150 (scholarships available—please don't hesitate to ask)

Please send me an application



Request a summer program application below


  • Arrivals between 12:00 and 4:00 pm
  • Departures between 12:00 and 4:00pm
  • The Sisters will pick up and drop off any participants traveling by plane, train, or bus.

Please wait until we have received your application and contacted you before making travel arrangements. Thank you!


Suggested donation of $150 (scholarships available—please don't hesitate to ask)

Prayer for My Vocation

Your dream, O Jesus my Master, is to lay hold of me, to change me with your divine life. Your dream is to fill me with your charity, to make me love the Father and all my brothers and sisters just as you do. Your dream is to bind me to you with the closest bonds, to bind our hearts together as one. Your dream is to make me strong, to impart to me your divine power so that I can overcome evil and be constant in doing good. Your dream is to enflame me with an untiring zeal to spread your kingdom in the world. Your dream is to possess me in this life and in the life to come. O Master, may your dream come true. May I be able to give all you ask of me.

—From the writings of Blessed James Alberione

About the Daughters of St. Paul