2025 Retreat Theme

The Word Became Flesh:

Incarnating Christ in Life and Work

Boston, MA
August 23-25, 2024

Registration has closed for our Boston retreat. Stay tuned for our fall 2025 dates!

Malibu, CA
January 3-5, 2025

Registration Deadline:

December 20, 2024

Register for Malibu

2025 Retreat Theme

The Word Became Flesh:

Incarnating Christ in Life and Work

Boston, MA
August 23-25, 2024

Malibu, CA
January 3-5, 2025

Registration has closed for the Boston retreat. Stay tuned for our fall 2025 dates!

Registration Deadline:

December 20, 2024

Join us for the Media Apostle Retreat, and experience a spirituality just for you.

After the Apostles returned from the mission Jesus had given them, Jesus told them, "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile" (Mark 6:31, NRSV).

This retreat is a privileged moment for rest, prayer, quiet, and spiritual renewal. We encourage you to let the Lord hold your everyday life and work in his capable hands for a few days so you may listen deeply to the Spirit moving and be spiritually fueled to return to whatever vineyard God has entrusted to you.

Since this retreat is a time of spiritual renewal, we ask you to refrain from pitching projects or other work-related requests. Our main goal is to give all participants the space they need for prayer and reflection.

A personal invitation for you from two past Media Apostle Retreat participants and speakers for this year's retreat.

Hear what participants in the Media Apostle Retreat have to say about their experience.

See what's in store for you!


  • With the Media Nuns, the Daughters of St. Paul
  • With other Catholics in media and entertainment industries for ongoing spiritual support
  • And—most importantly—with Jesus Christ, the perfect communicator

Be Inspired

  • Learn about the media spirituality of Blessed James Alberione
  • Discover how the Daughters of St. Paul pray for, support, and challenge you as a media apostle
  • Hear from other Catholics in the industry and how they face challenges


  • Spend quiet time with the Lord in a reflective and safe environment
  • Participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass
  • Experience Eucharistic Adoration and Cinema Divina

Learn & Deepen

Nurture your relationship with God and your call to mission with short talks from people who live a media spirituality day in and day out. Speakers and topics coming soon!



East Coast

St. Thecla Retreat House

August 23-25, 2024

Boston, MA

Registration is closed for our Boston retreat. Stay tuned for fall 2025 dates!

West Coast

Serra Retreat Center

January 3-5, 2025

Malibu, CA

Registration Deadline:

December 20, 2024

Registration has closed for our Boston retreat. Stay tuned for our fall 2025 dates!

Registration Deadline:

December 20, 2024

Speakers (Boston)

Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP

Sr. Tracey Dugas, FSP

Fr. Willy Raymond

Monét Souza

Sr. Jackie Jean-Marie Gitonga

Sr. Jackie Gitonga, FSP

Craig Syracusa

Speakers (Malibu)

Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP

Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP

Deacon Steve Greco

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Daniel Roebuck

Alexis Walkenstein


Fr. Cassidy Stinson

Fr. Cassidy Stinson

Boston Chaplain


Malibu Chaplain

Retreat Team

Sr. Tracey Matthia Dugas, FSP

Sr. Tracey Dugas, FSP

Christin Jezak

Christin Jezak

Sr. Jackie Jean-Marie Gitonga

Sr. Jackie Gitonga, FSP

Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Alexis Walkenstein

Speakers (Boston)

Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP

Fr. Willy Raymond

Sr. Tracey Dugas, FSP

Monét Souza

Sr. Jackie Jean-Marie Gitonga

Sr. Jackie Gitonga, FSP

Craig Syracusa

Speakers (Malibu)

Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP

Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP

Deacon Steve Greco

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Daniel Roebuck

Alexis Walkenstein


Fr. Cassidy Stinson

Fr. Cassidy Stinson

Boston Chaplain


Malibu Chaplain

Retreat Team

Sr. Tracey Matthia Dugas, FSP

Sr. Tracey Dugas, FSP

Christin Jezak

Christin Jezak

Sr. Jackie Jean-Marie Gitonga

Sr. Jackie Gitonga, FSP

Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Alexis Walkenstein

"Let us make of ourselves the pen and tongue of God, through Jesus Christ, our Master!"

—Blessed James Alberione


subject to change


4:00 Arrivals and check-in

6:00 Supper

7:00 Introductions and logistics

7:30 Talk 1

8:15 Cinema Divina followed by Wine & Cheese Reception


8:00 Breakfast

8:45 Morning Prayer

9:15 Talk 2 (Keynote Presentation)

10:30 Small Group Faith Sharing

11:15 Eucharistic Liturgy

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Personal Time with Breakout options

4:30 Talk 3: Witness from Within: Being the Presence of Christ in the Industry

5:15 Large Group Sharing

6:00 Supper

7:00 Guided Hour of Adoration followed by Silent Eucharistic Adoration until Midnight

8:00 Wine & Cheese Fellowship


8:00 Breakfast

9:30 Morning Prayer

10:00 Talk 4: Be Media Apostles

11:00 Eucharistic Liturgy

12:00 Lunch

1:30 Departures


Questions about the retreat? Want to stay informed through our quarterly newsletter? Click below to let us know how we can be of help, and we'll be in touch.

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